Friday, August 2, 2024

Excerpt: Autocracy, Inc. by Anne Applebaum

Page 10

Autocrats hate these principles [rule of law, transparency, accountability and related institutions] because they threaten their power. If judges and juries are independent, then they can hold rulers accountable. If there is a genuinely free press, journalists can expose high-level theft and corruption. If the political system empowers citizens to influence the government, then citizens can eventually change the regime.

Page 12

This is the core of the problem: the leaders of Autocracy, Inc., know that the language of transparency, accountability, justice, and democracy will always appeal to some of their own citizens. To stay in power they must undermine those ideas wherever they are found.


Critical thinkers, those who have paid attention to current affairs and US news over the years of the current and former president, will recognize patterns.


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