Sunday, July 21, 2024

NOW is not the time for a sense of relief, we have MUCH to accomplish first

For all of the people rejoicing about President Biden's decision today... don't count your chickens before they hatch.

We will NOT KNOW if his withdrawal is a good thing until the votes are counted in November.

To me, a feeling of relief is a warning sign. It could be an indicator of let down.

Might it be better to RESOLVE:

To realize there is NO NOMINEE now. It will take work (a process) to decide on and actually nominate a nominee.

To realize there is NO VP candidate yet. That also will require a process.

To realize this is all uncharted territory for the country. It would be good for the PEOPLE to have a say.

To realize the GOTV (get out the vote) effort needs to begin anew. 

To realize that the Orange Monster (Trump campaign) will not roll over and accept what President Biden announced today with honor and grace.

To realize counting votes cast on and for the November 5th general election is likely to face at least as much controversy as we saw in 2020.

To realize the electoral vote determination in December will likely be as chaotic and controversial as what we saw in 2020.

To realize January 6, 2025 is something federal agencies need to prepare for already.

Only THEN can we look to January 20, 2025 with a sense of relief... and even then, there's likely to be more unexpected chaos than we saw in 2020.


By the way, I've already received five text message solicitations from unfamiliar phone numbers asking for contributions to support potential nominee Kamala Harris.

NONE of which provided any indication of legitimacy or proof money collected would go to the indicated purpose.

Don't be fooled by text or email solicitations asking for money just because people are hyped up today about the unexpected development in the presidential election race.

If the number sending the request for money is not familiar, it would be wise to immediately respond only with the word STOP. 

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