Monday, May 30, 2022

Who is responsible for INFLATION?

Professor Robert Reich makes a strong case for a Windfall Profits Tax that rebates money to consumers who are paying exorbitantly higher prices that are currently being charged by PROFITEERS (price gouging)  caused by lack of competition.

The economic situation is massive upward WEALTH REDISTRIBUTION from workers and consumers to the top 1 percent (oligarchs and plutocrats).

Just after 9 minutes into this clip, Reich poignantly makes the distinction that the US economy is corporate-centered but should be PEOPLE-centered.

So, when CORPORATE media, highlighted by Right-Wing media blaming the current POTUS, that is complete fabrication.

In other words, Big Corporations are gouging consumers solely BECAUSE THEY CAN. That is why we must STOP DARK MONEY in Arizona and in Washington DC.

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