Monday, September 28, 2020

Apparently, Trump DOES care about somebody other than himself...

From Heather Cox Richardson tonight (September 29, 2020),

Last night’s tax story earned Trump’s predictable angry tweets. But there was a thundering silence from Republicans about the tax story, while Democrats expressed alarm at the dangers of a president exposed to more than $300 million in debt. For ordinary Americans, even small debt can prevent obtaining a security clearance because it makes a person vulnerable to blackmail or other pressure.

Thus far, there has been plenty of speculation about why Trump is as deferential to Russian dictator Vladimir Putin as he has so obviously demonstrated since at least 2016. There will, no doubt, be plenty more speculation. But what's plain to see is that he is deferential as many debtors ARE. 

In light of this amazing news, it is now of the highest import to those of us who vigilantly watch over and care about the legislative and Congressional redistricting in our state that each of the 51 applicants to be interviewed for positions on the Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission be above all suspicion in this regard. Therefore, during the public interviews coming up in early October, each interviewee must be made to publicly go on the record with adequate DETAIL about the magnitude and character of their personal and business debt. 

Please contact the Arizona Commission on Appellate Court Appointments (email Blanca Calles to demand ALL interviewees be put on record during the public interviews as to their debts.

Thereafter, those who end up on the list of vetted candidates sent to legislative leaders when the time comes, will have the opportunity to verify the claims made in the interviews.

From the website of Colorado law firm, Robinson & Henry,
In short, individuals who have excessive and/or delinquent debt are seen to be a greater security risk than those who are more financially stable. The U.S. government has had problems in the past with security clearance holders leaking secret information, either because they were offered a monetary bride, or were financially blackmailed for information. As such, the federal government has established guidelines to red-flag prospective and current federal employees, military personnel and contractors.
What are the red flags?
Typically debt that has a high debt-to-income ratio and/or debt that is delinquent usually cause bigger problems for security clearance holders/appliers. According to the Consumer Protection Financial Bureau:
“Financial experts say that less than 37 percent debt-to-income ratio is healthy and anything over 43 percent is a sign that financial distress is inevitable, if not imminent.”
However, it’s not just the presence of debt – but its cause, which interests the federal government. The cause of debt can reflect a person’s reliability, trustworthiness and judgment. In short, someone who mismanages their money may also mismanage their responsibilities concerning classified information.
Do I need to explain the importance of integrity and that redistricting commissioners must not be subject to undue influence as they carry out their duties?


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