Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Never underestimate the power of STORIES: like this one from the future with #AOC

I wish I was smart enough as a young man to major in history and/or literature as an undergraduate after military service.

As Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says, we can't be what we can't see in our mind's eye. Please enjoy Alexandria's message from the future.

Retrospectively, A TEDxTalk published today on YouTube brilliantly illuminates how stories are vehicles for sowing ideas and inspiration across societies and across time. Alex MacDonald, senior economic advisor at NASA, in the (linked) video tells a story about stories. In particular, how one of the most advanced technological achievements of the modern era (space travel) has its roots in stories first told centuries ago.

Why put MacDonald and his TEDxTalk in the same post as that of AOC? Because MacDonald's story powerfully illustrates how stories do just what he says they do, sow ideas and inspiration across societies and across time.

The Green New Deal is an inspired idea. AOC tells the kind of story that I envision will begin to move mountains of humankind to inspired solutions.

Imagine it!

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