Saturday, March 8, 2025

Sam Wang, Princeton Univ neuroscientist: Science and our Democracy depends on... YOU exercising your AGENCY

Stand Up for Science: demonstration at Princeton U. on March 7, 2025 remarks by Professor Sam Wang

Sam Wang first appeared on my personal "radar screen" when he submitted an amicus brief in 2015 regarding Wesley G Harris' lawsuit challenging the 2011 maps drawn by the Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission (finalized in 2012). Wang, a mathematician and neuroscientist demonstrated that contrary to Harris' claim, Arizona Republicans did NOT suffer illegal dilution of their votes as a result of that year's district maps.

Professor Wang is inherently very interested in elections and electoral matters. He founded and leads the Princeton Gerrymandering Project.

As a neuroscientist, Wang spoke yesterday at a Stand Up for Science in Trenton, NJ.

WE the PEOPLE MUST speak up and out assertively and with understanding the societal ramifications of the idiocracy we see in the moment. We MUST keep the Musk/Trump regime from cutting off funding for critical scientific research.

We've made a LOT of progress. But only when WE take action. Action in the COURTS. Action in the STREETS. And ACTIONS ONLINE!

That's AGENCY.  The actions MUST be disciplined, they MUST be NONVIOLENT. And they MUST be taken without reference to when results will occur. Remember the adage, Let go and let GOD? Whether you believe in God or not, You and I MUST always take care to do what is right and leave the results up to powers higher than our own societal awareness.

Historian Heather Cox Richardson suggests Trump will snap?

Will you be a victim? Or will you summon the strength of your agency? IOW, 

1. The condition of being in action; operation.
2. The means or mode of acting; instrumentality.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Trump's legitimacy is weak.

The foundation for American power in the world has been, since President John F Kennedy established USAID in 1961, the concept of Soft Power.

Many people in 23 countries around the world view American technological achievements, entertainment, universities and military as the best in the world or above average among wealthy nations. Yet, people generally see the U.S. as similar to other wealthy nations on five societal measures tested in the survey: political stability, safety, democracy, religiosity and tolerance.

Even though roughly four-in-ten say the U.S. is about as politically stable as other wealthy countries, one-in-three see the U.S. as more politically stable, while a median of just 17% believe the U.S. is less politically stable.

That seems to have drastically changed even just since Trump started his second term. To avoid going on ad nauseum, I will call on you to either do some internet research on your own, or engage your imagination to consider the impact of USAID programs throughout the world. What would be the human cost? What would the impact be on your life?

Joseph Nye and Soft Power

In politics (and particularly in international politics), soft power is the ability to co-opt rather than coerce (in contrast with hard power). It involves shaping the preferences of others through appeal and attraction. Soft power is non-coercive, using culture, political values, and foreign policies to enact change. In 2012, Joseph Nye of Harvard University explained that with soft power, "the best propaganda is not propaganda", further explaining that during the Information Age, "credibility is the scarcest resource".[1]

Nye popularised the term in his 1990 book, Bound to Lead: The Changing Nature of American Power.[2]

In this book he wrote: "when one country gets other countries to want what it wants might be called co-optive or soft power in contrast with the hard or command power of ordering others [isn't that what dictators prefer to do?] to do what it wants".[2] He further developed the concept in his 2004 book, Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics

Maybe I'm overstating the notion, but I believe the Musk/Trump regime is headed for collapse. With Musk/Trump completely cutting off ALL funding for USAID, is/was there any place for the US to be other than behind the 8-ball. That is, until SCOTUS unfroze said funding on Wednesday.

Without that desperately needed legitimacy, the dictators cannot continue to rule indefinitely. Exponents of peace should not provide them legitimacy.

Sharp, Gene. From Dictatorship To Democracy: A Conceptual Framework for Liberation . The Albert Einstein Institution. Kindle Edition. 

Judge orders USAID payments to some foreign aid groups by Monday

Global health groups accused the Trump administration of flouting a judge’s order to restart nearly $2 billion in payments for food, medicine and more.
March 6, 2025 at 8:42 p.m. ESTtoday at 8:42 p.m. EST
A U.S. District Court judge ruled Thursday that the Trump administration must pay tens of millions of dollars in outstanding foreign aid by the end of Monday, but the fate of hundreds of millions more in spending for lifesaving food and medicine has yet to be resolved.
Judge Amir H. Ali ruled that the government must pay the AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition, the Global Health Council and other plaintiffs the outstanding balances they are owed, calling it a “concrete step” forward in an ongoing lawsuit over the Trump administration’s abrupt pause in foreign aid.
The suspension and cancellation of thousands of humanitarian contracts has led to life-threatening disruptions in food assistance and medicine around the world, aid groups have said. [Do you have any legitimate reason to doubt their claims?]

From the BBC on February 7, 2025:

The future of the US government's main overseas aid agency has been cast into doubt, with employees locked out and the Trump administration planning to merge it with the US Department of State [do you think that merger would MAINTAIN America's Soft Power throughout the world].

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) said thousands of employees would be put on leave shortly after President Donald Trump returned to office. The agency then recalled its workers from missions across the world.

Trump has made it clear he wants overseas spending to be closely aligned with his "America First" approach and the international development sector is braced for a profound effect on humanitarian programmes around the world.

Trump posted on his Truth Social page on Friday that USAID's spending "IS TOTALLY UNEXPLAINABLE... CLOSE IT DOWN!"

Elon Musk, the tech billionaire working on the White House's effort to shrink the federal government, has previously claimed that the aid agency is "a criminal organization" and that Trump has agreed to "shut it down".

Neither Trump or Musk provided clear evidence to support their claims, and the president's effort to shutter the agency is expected to face legal challenges.

Getting news on this matter from BBC is valuable because American news sources water down the facts to appease MUSK/Trump.

The FACT is Trump doesn't want YOU to know the significance of the work and the impact of US Soft Power in the world. By controlling the news available for you to get an understanding of the genuine impact, and the reasons Congress appropriated the funding in the first place, might you be less willing to go along with it yourself? Do you have a deficit in human empathy? I hope not.


Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Are YOU included in WE THE PEOPLE?????

WHY is it so many people are wringing their hands at Democratic Members of Congress blaming them for not standing up to Trump?

I mean, if it's to be, it's up to someone else, right?


Ask THIS instead: is Trump MY problem? You're damn right he is.

Ask THIS next: what am I going to do about it?

Well, WHAT are YOU gonna do about it????? Cower in fear because Trump talks tough? Sure he does. UNTIL the (female) president of Mexico stands up to him.

Perhaps start HERE... 

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Who owns the problem?

I own it. Do you? WE the PEOPLE do.

What ya gonna do about it?

Are you going to wait until it's your turn to fly across the country to worry about MUSK firing Air Traffic Controllers?  

Are you going to wait until your monthly Social Security benefit payment doesn't show up in your bank account before you complain about Musk closing half of the country's Social Security offices? Do you have medical bills? Do you have a home mortgage?

Are you going to wait until MUSK fires more than half of the VA medical center licensed medical professionals before you decide it IS your problem?

Are you going to wait until MUSK sells off all of the federal courthouses before you take a stand and demand WE fire MUSK... AND Trump? What do they do in federal courtrooms anyway? Ask Glenn Kirschner, retired career federal prosecutor. As I understand, they go after mobsters, murderers, big time fraudsters and more. Have you never been conned? I have.

Are you going to wait until... do you get it yet? When are you going to realize he's coming for YOUR freedoms, or YOUR federal highways, or whatever YOU depend on federal government funding to make sure your family is safe? They fully intend to take the American economy back to the FIRST gilded age when there was NO safety net and the richest ONE percent could do every damn thing they wanted to do.

EVERY single bullshit claim Trump made in The Trump Show on Tuesday night was about shutting down safety net protections and/or American infrastructure.

A friend who is a long time peace activist sent me a meme this evening calling for shutting down Guantanamo.

It immediately occurred to me that as important as that should and could be, it's secondary or tertiary or lower priority than shutting down MUSK and Trump.

Many events on Friday this week are calling for SUFS... stand up for science.

In my community, demonstrations are scheduled for SUNY Geneseo and RIT (Rochester Institute of Technology.

I hope they are well attended and get earned media coverage.

Ultimately, when such NONVIOLENT struggle movements take on the disruptive power and widespread participation like Greta Thunberg's school strikes for Climate Action did, we will be able to... well, I have my vision set on no less than the collapse of the Trump/Musk regime.

Can it happen? Hell YES it can happen.

WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Who are WE THE PEOPLE? I am one of them (US). I own the problem. Do you? Don't hope Democratic lawmakers who already have more on their plates than they know what to do about do it for you.

Here's something EASY to do to get started. Before next Tuesday, do this

Flood the zone. HE ALWAYS backs down when confronted boldly.  It's more than just you. It's more than just me. How quickly do you think he'll back down from his fictitious "mandate" (or is that a MAN date with Elon)? If he gets 1,000,000 post cards? What about 50 or 60 million?

Here's the playbook.



📌 Introduction: Why This Playbook?

We stand at a pivotal moment in American history. A coordinated effort is underway to undo decades of social and economic progress, with policies and strategies designed to roll back vital protections, diminish rights, and concentrate power. From dismantling the social safety net to eroding democratic freedoms, the stakes are higher than ever. These attacks are not just policy disagreements—they represent existential threats to the values of equity, justice, and democracy.

The future of our society depends on collective resistance. This playbook offers a clear, strategic framework for individuals, community groups, and activists who want to fight back against these regressive policies and ensure that progress is not reversed. Drawing inspiration from historical movements of resistance and power-building—and inspired by Saul Alinsky’s organizing principles—it provides actionable steps for organizing and confronting the forces that seek to undermine our shared values.

✅ 1. Mapping the Power Structure

"If you don’t know who holds the power, you don’t know where to push."

Key Actions:

  • Identify Key Decision-Makers: From local officials to corporate moguls and national policymakers, figure out who holds the power and where the pressure needs to be applied.

  • Map Influence Networks: Research the industries, corporations, or lobbying groups driving harmful policies. Who are their allies? What do they care about (voters, profit, media attention)?

  • Find Vulnerabilities: Understand what motivates these power-holders—whether it's votes, public perception, or economic interests—and find ways to use that leverage.

Tactical Move: Power Mapping Workshop

  • Organize community meetings to collectively map local, state, and national power structures. Identify key players and where their interests align or conflict with the issues you care about. Create a visual map to guide collective actions.

✅ 2. Framing the Narrative: Making It Personal and Urgent

"People don’t act on abstract ideas. They act when something affects them directly."

Key Actions:

  • Humanize the Issues: Instead of discussing abstract policies, focus on how these policies directly impact people’s lives. Show how cuts to healthcare, education, or social services affect real families.

  • Tell Stories, Not Statistics: Personal stories are the emotional fuel that drives activism. Use testimonials, community member experiences, and personal narratives to make the issue relatable and urgent.

  • Frame the Issue in Multiple Terms: Speak to different audiences by framing the issues in terms of moral, economic, and even religious values.

Tactical Move: 30-Second Story Challenge

  • Train individuals to tell their personal stories in 30 seconds or less. Share these stories in media appearances, town halls, and direct conversations with decision-makers. These short, poignant narratives have a higher chance of mobilizing others.

✅ 3. Building a Broad-Based Resistance Coalition

"Alone, we are weak. Together, we are unignorable."

Key Actions:

  • Reach Out to Diverse Groups: Work with labor unions, faith-based organizations, immigrant rights groups, students, businesses, and social justice advocates. The broader the coalition, the more pressure you can apply.

  • Create Unified Demands: Identify the common goals that all coalition members can support—protecting healthcare, preserving voting rights, [Social Security] or defending workers’ rights.

  • Speak with One Voice: While it’s crucial to bring diverse voices together, ensure that the messaging is clear, cohesive, and focused on the main threats at hand.

Tactical Move: Public Cross-Sector Rally

  • Organize public rallies or forums where activists, business leaders, faith-based groups, and community members publicly declare their opposition to regressive policies. This shows strength and unity across sectors.

✅ 4. Applying Strategic Pressure: Escalate and Disrupt

"The real action is in the reaction."

Key Actions:

  • Push Beyond Conventional Advocacy: Don’t just lobby—make it politically costly for decision-makers to ignore the will of the people. Use disruptive, visible tactics to force them to act.

  • Engage in Constructive Disruption: Nonviolent protests, civil disobedience, and boycotts can all be used to disrupt normal operations and draw attention to your cause.

  • Use Escalating Tactics: Start with petitions and letters, then move to public demonstrations, and escalate to larger actions like strikes, mass gatherings, and sit-ins if [as] necessary.

Tactical Moves:

  • Public Accountability Scorecard: Create a public scorecard that rates lawmakers, officials, or corporations on their actions regarding the issues at hand. Publish the scorecard widely to hold them accountable.

  • Shadow Hearings: If officials refuse to listen, hold public hearings in the community, using experts and impacted individuals to speak out. Record these hearings and broadcast them online.

  • Mass Action Days: Organize coordinated actions, such as a "National Day of Resistance," where people across the country take to the streets, call lawmakers, or halt their work to show the breadth of opposition.

✅ 5. Mobilizing Stakeholders and Creating a Mass Movement

"Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have."

Key Actions:

  • Organize Rapid-Response Networks: Establish networks that can mobilize quickly in response to immediate threats—whether it's a new bill, policy change, or attack on rights.

  • Train Activists: Offer training in media engagement, direct action, and grassroots organizing to empower individuals at the community level.

  • Transform Beneficiaries into Advocates: Those who are most impacted by policy changes (e.g., marginalized groups) should be at the forefront of the movement, speaking their truth and driving the narrative.

Tactical Move: Advocacy Bootcamp

  • Run training sessions for community members, activists, and concerned citizens on how to get involved in advocacy, media, and direct-action strategies. These bootcamps can help build momentum and leadership within the movement.

✅ 6. Building a Long-Term Resistance Infrastructure

"The only way to sustain change is to institutionalize power."

Key Actions:

  • Establish Permanent Organizing Structures: Set up local and national organizing bodies that can continue to drive resistance efforts even in the face of political and social pushback.

  • Foster Leadership Development: Create leadership programs for the next generation of activists. Mentorship, training, and networking are essential for long-term sustainability.

  • Maintain a Strong Media Presence: Keep the pressure on by having a continuous media strategy that highlights your cause, showcases victories, and keeps your resistance at the forefront.

Tactical Move: Political Action Committee (PAC)

  • Consider the formation of a grassroots PAC that can help fund political candidates who prioritize policies protecting social and economic progress. This PAC can also help support the campaigns of current lawmakers who champion resistance efforts.

📌 Final Thoughts: The Time for Defense is Over—We Must Build Our Own Power

For too long, we’ve been forced to react to harmful policies. This playbook marks the shift from defense to offense, encouraging citizens and groups to take proactive steps to protect and expand progress. The future of our democracy and the hard-won rights of millions is at stake. It’s time to build the resistance, to disrupt the forces trying to undo progress, and to create a powerful, sustainable movement for change.

Next Steps:

  • Share This Playbook: Distribute this playbook within your community, to your networks, and to organizations that care about defending democracy.

  • Implement One Tactic: Choose a tactic you can begin implementing immediately—whether it’s organizing a power-mapping workshop or launching a public accountability scorecard.

  • Commit to Long-Term Resistance: This is not a short-term battle. Commit to building a movement that will endure and continue pushing for justice, equity, and democracy.

Stand up for democracy! The time for action is now!

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This is the 84th issue of IN THE CENTER LANE. Since its inception, the goal has been to create a place for reasoned, balanced, and civil discourse on topics that profoundly impact our daily lives. Thank you for your continued support of IN THE CENTER LANE. I hope you’ll share these articles with friends and colleagues and encourage them to join the conversation with a free subscription to this newsletter.
