Monday, October 28, 2024

When you should return your EARLY ballot?

 Trump LOST a couple of voter suppression lawsuits in Nevada, as ruled the Nevada Supreme Court.

Marc Elias notes at 2:15 into this video, how these lawsuits were the first effort to directly suppress the November 5, 2024 vote. Trump LOST.

Elections officials publicize dates as deadline thresholds for mailing back early ballots. Those dates take into account mailing processes. They are ONLY deadlines as far as expectation of receiving the ballots by the end of each state's actual deadline. Make sure, if you miss the publicized mail-in date, you have a plan to get your ballot into election officials hands on time, whether it be an official drop box or county official's office.

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Further, despite Neal Katyal's recent recitation of his Debbie Downer rant about how he believes Trump will steal this election, Arizona Eagletarian, after thinking it through (as much as I could), this outcome shows how UNLIKELY it will be for loser Donald to succeed.