Monday, June 19, 2023

Remember this word: DECOMPENSATION

Dr Bandy X Lee, MD forensic psychiatrist

Come on people. This evening (Eastern Daylight Time) Trump went on Fox for an extended interview.

Really, I want to hear what forensic psychiatrist Dr Bandy X Lee has to say about it. Well, before today, she has had plenty to say about Trump. It's about effing time corporate media took Dr Lee's insight on that person very seriously. It IS time to stop saying Trump could win the presidency in 2024. That's NOT going to happen. [Vox Populi, as we Rise UP, with ONE Voice]

As far as I am concerned, it is totally insane for corporate media to continue to act as if polls, no matter how scientific they might be, of voters in the United States, are at all relevant. We are well beyond that point. (Some pundits today haven't said the polls are reasonable)

I strongly recommend every concerned citizen AND every interested journalist daily read Bandy Lee's substack. And read her book: Profile of a Nation: Trump’s Mind, America’s Soul. Dr Lee also edited The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President.

Mental Health Epidemic
‘As a Nation, Our Healthcare Workforce, Especially in Mental Health, is Woefully Inadequate’
We have a very serious mental health epidemic in our country. It is impacting especially the young. Rates of drug abuse, shootings, violence in many forms, depression, and suicides (completed, attempted, and contemplated) continue to skyrocket.

Ever since Donald Trump’s election, I have publicly warned against “the poor state of collective mental health” that gave rise to his presidency, and an acceleration of “the public mental health crisis” that was to come as a result of his presidency. These two issues are interrelated, and I will have much more to say about this in the months ahead. (more at the link above, which Lee posted yesterday, June 18, 2023)

Signs of psychological decompensation:

Decompensation is the psychological term used when a person is showing signs of deterioration regarding their daily functioning... When a person's stress levels are higher than their ability to cope with stress, especially over a long period of time, the person may show signs of psychological decompensation. This could be manifested with signs such as being easily startled/alarmed, resistance/shutting down or psychological exhaustion to the point where they are no longer able to function at work or at home like they normally could.

Trump is mentally unstable 

Mental instability, or mental illness, is a condition that greatly affects a person’s thoughts and behaviors. Individuals who are mentally unstable often experience difficulty coping with the everyday functions, demands and challenges of life. There are several signs and symptoms that indicate a person is suffering from a mental instability. 
Mental illness also develops during adulthood. An early sign of mental illness in an adult is the development of prolonged and extreme depression. In some cases, a mentally ill adult experiences hallucinations or delusions. Other signs of a mental instability include substance abuse, anger, confusion, denial and multiple unexplained physical ailments.

 DISCLAIMER: I am NOT and never have been a licensed medical professional/clinician. 

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